BitReplica is a very popular free backup application for saving your computer's files from a disaster. It helps protect your files from loss due to physical damage, a virus attack or a physical hard drive crash. The software should be particularly useful for anybody who already has a number of storage devices (it can be multiple computers networked together or it can be many different computers). It is very convenient for working from home because you can run the program whenever you need to use it without worrying about having to remember to backup all of your files every time you want to use them. Most of us have multiple computers and laptops that we use from time to time and not all of them have a Windows operating system so they can sometimes get corrupted and lose all of your important files over time. You can prevent this problem by running the program on all of your computers every time you need to access them and you will never have to worry about losing your important files again.
There are many different versions of the Bitreplica software available for Windows. You can choose to download the free version or the premium version which will add some extra features to make your backup program even more effective. Some of the added features include password protection, the ability to restore only certain files and the ability to back up and restore multiple devices. If you run a business then you probably don't want to run the program on just one system, but you also don't want to run it on all of your systems. You can configure it to run on a list of computers, so you don't run it if one machine goes down. Also, if you don't want to keep the program open when you are not using it, you can just shut it off while you are not using it, making it extremely efficient in terms of how much time you spend using the software.
If you want the free version you can download it through the Internet. There are a few limitations to the free version of the software such as a limited number of files you can backup and it does not protect your system's registry settings. However, if you want the full power of the full version of the Bitreplica, then you can download the free version and then purchase it later.